Common Bottlenose Dolphin – Delphinus delphis

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The Common Dolphin is found mainly in tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It can inhabit shallow and pelagic waters, but seems to prefer areas with steep bottoms. The species inhabits both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, where some scientists suggest it could be a different subspecies. Although there are no population density estimates for the Mediterranean basin, it is known that their distribution is not homogeneous and that some areas show a higher density. The species often occurs in the Thracian Sea, the Aegean and the westernmost part of the Ionian Sea. Isolated groups can be observed from the north coast of Africa to Tunisia and from the west coasts of Corsica and Sardinia.

The Common Dolphin’s diet varies by region. They feed in shallow water but have been recorded diving to 200 meters. They show a preference for pelagic and mesopelagic fish and various types of squid. Their diet in the Mediterranean consists mainly of small-sized species such as anchovy, sardine, frissa, bream, but also some species of cephalopods and sporadically some crustaceans. Their size ranges from 1.7 to 2.7 m for adults and 0.7 to 1 m for newborns.

Its main identifying features are the following:
• It has a total of 4 colors. Dorsal fin dark brown with white patch, back dark brown. On the sides, in front of the dorsal, it has a sandy yellow color and below the dorsal, on the ribs, a characteristic dark color in an inverted triangular shape.
• The white ventral coloration is sometimes interrupted by 1 or 2 yellow to gray discontinuous bands.
• Dark side fins, dark stripe from side fin to jaw.
• Dorsal fin with gray or black coloring.
• Very active dolphin on the surface.
• Observed in large groups often associated with other cetacean species.

Conservation Status Worldwide: Least Concern (LC)
Conservation Status in the Mediterranean: Endangered

Its main threats are reduction of food (fish stocks), direct killing, by-catch by traditional means, noise, marine pollution, bycatch in fishing gear (nets) and overfishing.

Amateur and professional fishermen in the maritime area of ​​the Ionian Sea, owners of pleasure or sightseeing boats in the wider maritime area.

Citizen Science

Additional information

Βιότοπος / Ενδιαίτημα: Sea
Χρώμα: White Black Gray Coffee Yellow
Μέγεθος: over 2m
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