Ionian lizard – Algyroides nigropunctatus

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Diurnal and relatively shy lizard that skilfully climbs and avoids exposure to very high temperatures. It prefers habitats that combine stones or rocks with dense vegetation, such as reeds and bushes, usually near water, but it is also often found in mountain forests, olive groves, and even in village gardens. The breeding season begins in mid-spring and continues until early summer. Females lay two clutches of 2-8 eggs. The diet of the Ionian lizard includes small invertebrates, such as insects and their larvae, small worms, spiders, etc.

The feronymous subspecies is found in the western part of the country from Prespes to Aetolia and on the islands of Corfu, Diapontia islands and Paxos. The subspecies kephallithacius is found continentally only in Akarnania and insularly only in Lefkada (and neighboring islets), Kefallonia and Ithaca. The total body length reaches seven centimeters. The tail is usually almost twice as long. In Greece we find both subspecies of the species, the pheronymus and Algyroides nigropunctatus kephallithacius which is also endemic to Greece. Coloration differs between sexes and subspecies. In both subspecies the females are similar in appearance, almost solid brown with slightly darker sides and often scattered with small black spots. In the subspecies pheronymus males have a mottled brown back, orange-red belly and blue head, while in the subspecies kephallithacius the males have a yellow belly and a green neck, colors that become very intense during the breeding season.

The species is included in Appendix IV of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, in PD 67/81 and in Appendix II of the Bern Convention. It is classified as Least Concern (LC), both by the IUCN (2020), and by the Red Book of Threatened Animals of Greece (2009). The conservation status of the species is characterized as satisfactory.

It is subject to the more general threats that apply to reptiles, such as habitat degradation from anthropogenic interventions (intensive farming), habitat loss due to natural disasters (fires, floods) and illegal collection of individuals for trade (as a pet).

Common citizens, naturalists, breeders, farmers and generally groups of people who are often in contact with the terrestrial environment of the area.

Citizen Science

Additional information

Βιότοπος / Ενδιαίτημα: Forests Shrubs
Χρώμα: Black Coffee Orange Red Yellow Blue Green
Μέγεθος: up to 25cm
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